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Wednesday's Korner

The Complete and Unedited Roger L. Jackson FAQ Page


1. Where do you live?

In the San Francisco Bay Area

2. What movies are on your top ten list?

3. What movies do you find most frightening?  4. What television shows are on your top ten list? 5. What books are you reading this year?

Various works by Ursula K. LeGuin, Greg Bear, and Octavia Butler; COLD MOUNTAIN; HOW THE IRISH SAVED CIVILIZATION; the screenplay for I, ROBOT; Hans Christian Andersen's autobiography; more John Sayles, and Jim Thompson; etc.

6. Which magazines are you reading this year?


7. What kind of monsters scare you the most?

The ones who don't realize they're monsters. Like religious fundamentalists, sales managers, and cops. Racists, and rednecks, and thugs, oh my!

8.  Favorite vampire:

9. Who is your favorite voice actor?

Frank Welker, Orson Welles, and Peter Sellers

10. Which voice actor would you like to share a scene with?

Frank Welker, Tim Curry, Charlie Adler, Christine Cavanaugh, and Lynn Thigpen

11. If you could portray any character in a film, real or fantasy, who would it be?

Rembrandt van Rijn. Or the Doctor (Who?). And Prospero.

12. Your favorite leading lady to choose to be in a scene with?

Yeardley Smith, Kathy Bates, Alex Borstein, and Mary Stein. They are all such good actors, it’d be great fun to play together.

13. Alcohol beverage:

Single malt scotch and armagnac

14. Non-alcoholic cold beverage:

J-J-J-J-JOLT COLA!!!!!!!!!! ......or iced tea

15. Favorite hot beverage:

Green tea

16. Crunchy or smooth:


17. Crispy or thick crust:

Thick but crusty

18. Fried or baked:


19. Dairy or non-dairy:


20. Cream cheese flavor:

Cream cheese

21. Ice cream flavor:


22. Restaurant/dish (anywhere in the world):

The cold spicy noodles and Princess prawns at Lily’s in Berkeley. Or the catfish in coconut milk, basil, & peppers, from the Royal Thai.

23. What you cook at home:

My brain

24. Midnight snack:

Cheez & crakiz, Gromit!

25. Breakfast pastry:

Cheese danish

26. Food you refused as a child:

HOMINY!!! yyyyyyech.

27. Favorite fast food indulgement:

McDougal’s fish sandwich

28. Favorite music style:

A capella vocals or acoustic instruments

29. Least favorite music style:

Anything resembling John Tesh or Kenny G. DEATH TO KENNY G.!!!

30. Cartoon made before 1950:

Almost anything from Bob Clampett or Tex Avery

31. Cartoon made after 1950:

Almost anything by Nick Park, John Kricfalusi, or Pixar Studios

32. You are the 8th dwarf. What's your name?


33. Favorite art movement:

Surrealism, and abstract expressionism

34. Least favorite art movement:


35. Favorite artist:

Rembrandt van Rijn

36. Favorite past-time:

Sex, art, television, or reading

37. Favorite vacation destination or relaxation place:

Mountains near lakes

38. Which three items would you want to have with you if you were stuck on a deserted island and they can't be items that can help you be rescued. You have no electricity and you made your own shelter, which is quite nice to live out the rest of your life.

(1) The Complete works of Shakespeare  (2)GRAVITY'S RAINBOW, by Thomas Pynchon (3) A lifetime supply of good scotch

39. Favorite stuffed animal:


40. Mac or PC:


41. Modem or DSL:


42. MP3 or New/used from the store:

New/Used. Too many things not available for MP3, too many forgotten treasures.

43. Who's "team" are you on?

The side of the angels.

44. Radio program:

The late and dearly missed HEAT, with John Hockenberry. Especially when Lynda Barry was on.

45. Late night show:


46. Late night news:

THE DAILY SHOW with Jon Stewart.

47. Plane, train, or automobile:

Train or automobile

48. Scented or unscented:


49. Epitaph:

Hope you liked the show.

50. What do you want God to say when you get to heaven?

Welcome home.

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